Gaining Autonomy and Medication Management
Taking, decreasing, increasing, adjusting, tapering, changing or maintaining medication are all possible choices to contribute to your well-being. In order to help you make a free and informed decision, the GAM offers a guide , tools and support to learn about medication and rights, observe yourself in the different facets of your life, assess the role and impact of your medication and make decisions to improve your quality of life. In short, the GAM is a process of taking back control over your life!
The GAM was developed in Quebec in the mid-1990s, by service users, workers and researchers from the Alternative Mental Health Movement. The organizations supporting this approach are the Association of Mental Health Advocacy Groups in Québec (AGIDD-SMQ), the Network of Alternative Mental Health Organizations in Quebec (RRASMQ) and the ERASME research team. This approach is now being developed in Brazil and Japan.
The GAM is a process for reclaiming power over one's life in relation to one's medication. While the approach is not necessarily for the purpose of tapering or coming off psychiatric drugs, since there is very little information on these subjects, this site aims specifically to equip people who want to reduce or come off their medication.
Gaining Autonomy and Navigating Psychiatric Medication: Olga Runciman and Celine Cyr in conversation
Human rights and the use of psychiatric medication
In French
GAM vue de l’intérieur (Sur le chemin du retour), Par Marie-Élaine Dubois
Intervenants sociaux et médication psychiatrique : pratiques et accueil réservé à la Gestion autonome de la médication en santé mentale, Mémoire de maitrise de Lisa Benisty
Vue intérieure de la médication psychiatrique : l’expérience des personnes ayant cheminé avec la GAM, Mémoire de maitrise Céline Cyr
La Gestion autonome de la médication : une pratique au service du mieux-être (p. 21 à 23); Article de Lourdes Rodriguez et al.
Les effets symboliques de la médication, Allocution Dre Cécile Rousseau.
Quand la douleur est trop grande... les médicaments ?
Vers l'appropriation de soi. Un parcours de Gestion autonome de la médication